From A Veteran Volleyball Mom to a New Volleyball Mom
by Hope Elizabeth Dutton | September 29, 2021
Hey y’all! Pura Vida Volleyball Blogs are back!
You may not have noticed, but they went on hiatus for a spell because this volleyball mom was hustling with loads of life!
This gets me to my point...
I’m a veteran volleyball mom. I have been a volleyball mom for two daughters, one who played from age six through college for just about every skill level, rec league, YMCA, Club, High School, beach, year-round, nonstop, and into college. One is a junior who started at eight, has done much of the same as her big sister and currently plays High School, beach and Club.
So I see you newbie moms walking into these tournaments with your girls and team in tow. Eyes wide and not entirely sure what to expect...
I’m a member of a “Volleyball Mom” group on FB and recently, a new volleyball mom posted,
“I’m a nurse, side hustlin’ momma by nature but HELP!!! I played Volleyball in high school 20 years ago and lots has changed! Do I need stuff and what do I need to have for volleyball as a momma? Where do you get cute shirts?? How do the girls wear their hair?? Do you do team gifts? Any “inside” terms or tips I need to know?? Basically give me all your advice...👏🏻 huge thanks 😊 💕”
I hear you, Momma!!!
It’s a lot, and by a lot, I mean a LOT!!!
So this blog is for you, MOMMA and all the other NEW VOLLEYBALL MOMS with that excited deer in the headlights look!!!
Let’s break these questions DOWNNNNN…
Question #1:
Do I need stuff and what do I need to have for volleyball as a momma?
Answer #1:
HECK YEAHHHHH, you need “stuff”!!! As a volleyball mom, you need your stuff, your daughter’s stuff, and the family’s stuff…you need STUFF, and there are lots of ways to go about this!
So my first tip regarding STUFF (otherwise known as MERCH - short for merchandise) is...go to Pura Vida Volleyball’s website OR their booth when you are at a tourney!!!
LEARN IT!!! LIVE IT!!! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
They have the CUTEST STUFF from socks to stickers, shirts, name it, and I promise you will love. It. ALL!!
They have stuff for the whole family. Mom’s, Dad’s (yup - believe it or not, they have super cute gear for the dad in your life!) and kids! We moms love our Vball stuff, but my husband loves his Pura Vida VB shirts and ball caps!!! In fact, he wears his Pura Vida VB cap nearly every day!
I wear a Pura Vida Vball ballcap to almost all games because then the refs don't see me give them the stink eye, it helps cut down on the light glare, which can give headaches, and if my hair is dirty after a day of travel - who’s gonna know with that ball cap on!? BONUS! They look SUPER cute too!!!
Question #2:
Where do you get cute shirts?
Answer #2:
Well, momma...since you’re basically like a sista' to me now…I’ll let you in on the secret! Again, it’s PURA VIDA VOLLEYBALL! I kid you not. They are usually the tourney shirt designer and provider if you're in the southeast and/or many other tourneys too!!! They did Boston recently, Gasparilla, all of Daytona’s, Big South in Atlanta, ones like that. Plus, they sell adorbs VB shirts PERIOD!!! That seriously is their THING!!! You want a cute VB MOM shirt or a cute shirt PERIOD?!? Pura Vida Volleyball is your place!
Here is the calendar of the tourney’s Pura Vida Volleyball will be attending! Be the “smart VB mom” - check it out to see which tourney’s your club will be playing so you can then be the “cool VB mom” and have your pre-ordered tourney shirts waiting for you at their booth! You can be the super “hip VB mom” as you swoop in, grab your gear and go! BONUS! Your daughter will have her tourney shirt first, while the other newbie (and some veteran) moms will think you are the cleverest thing evvvv’errrrr (look at you go Momma), and you’ll skip all the LONG lines!
Question #3:
How do the girls wear their hair???
Answer #3:
They wear it UP! My oldest loved her hair done, braids or ponytails or cornrows with cute hair ties, etc. My middle child was the girl who has super thick, long hair wrapped up, thrown into a crazy bun that flops around, plays, and will take hours to brush through. As her mother, I have to WALK AWAY!!! You may have to too, or you may have patience for that stuff? I don’t!!! Bottom line - just have a LOAD of Pura Vida VB hair ties in her or your bag, AT ALL TIMES, and either’s not a problem!
Take a hint, WE, as moms usually love keeping our girl's hair neat but let your daughter lead you on that. It’s not worth the fuss, especially before a game. BONUS! You can get all her hair tie needs from Pura Vida VB. They are super well-made, long-lasting, and cute VB themed ties!
Question #4:
Do we do team gifts???
Answer #4: fish swim? Is the sky blue? Is water wet? That’s a big YES! Affirmative Momma! I don’t know what it is about us VB mom’s but we are nuts over team gifts, goodies, treats...etc...especially when our girls are younger! Now don’t let them fool ya...they’ll act all cool, like they don’t like it through some of the teen years, but they do! Then, once they're off to college, they like it all over again, because they love being doted on...they want to be grown...but it’s like the unexpected care package at a game! They love it! I’ve made team gift packages using Pura Vida VB stuff before and they are always a HUGE hit. Pura Vida Volleyball always has excellent sales and the CUTEST gift bundles
Go to Pinterest and make a board dedicated to volleyball, show her ideas and see what she thinks! You’ll get lots of feedback and little hints on her acceptance/approval level. This can help guide you for future gifts or team ideas! Not sure how to start, PURA VIDA VOLLEYBALL has a user board! Follow them here!!!
Question #5:
Any “inside” terms or tips I need to know??
Answer #5:
This might be one of the most important answers of all! First off, you can be the mom who has it all in her bag (bandaids, sanitizers, OTC meds, lip balm, feminine items, snacks, phone chargers, etc.) or the mom who has nothing yet keeps her girl packed with everything she needs! Just know, if your the mom who has it all, at some point or another they’ll all come to you, including other moms, when they get low on stock! Second, some girls prefer independence, some girls love a doting mother, and some like a balance, with a little of both - figuring your girl out will make tourney life less stressful. Third, learn your girl’s position! Understand it precisely because they are all very different. While she doesn’t need another coach, she needs an ear to listen to what can be frustrating for her to master. This way, you’ll understand what she is talking about. You’ll be less likely to get cringes, eye rolls, or “just never mind” out of frustration when she may be venting or even fussing about her position or wonky team dynamics coming out on the court. That can be tough sometimes, yet really listen and let her lead the discussions. Definitely read up on the rules and basic ref calls, and most of all, stay positive Momma!
Enjoy these moments with your girl and family! Soak them up because I assure you, when we started this journey, I never anticipated how quickly they would FLY by…yet they do! One day you’ll be a veteran volleyball momma helping that newbie volleyball momma and wondering, "where did all the time go?!" - just like ME!
Regardless, if you are a newbie or veteran volleyball mom, Pura Vida Volleyball will always be there for all your volleyball needs with their email “Sign Up And Save” volleyball special offers, free giveaways, once-in-a-lifetime deals, fun blog reading, adorable apparel, gift-giving ideas, and more!
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